How to heal your character in Garena Free Fire?

No matter how careful you are as a player when you play Garena Free Fire, sooner or later your character will take damage - caused by other player's attack / due to fall damage or as a result of poisonous gas sprayed in your area. It will be necessary to restore your character to full health in order to increase your chances of survival. We explain this issue in this chapter of our guide.


The basic (and at the same time the only one available at this very moment) item that can restore your health points is a Medkit. These items are quite easy to find in the game world - it is also impossible to miss them, as they stand out from the surroundings with their large size and green color.
Once you have obtained a Medkit, you can use it by clicking on the icon located at the left edge of the screen (if you play the PC version, using the Bluestacks emulator, just press the "5" key). Now you have to wait 3 seconds so your hero can take the medicine. Afterwards, the recovery of health will begin. Within the next 5 seconds 75 health points will be restored. If this does not supplement your health bar, then we recommend to activate another Medkit to fully replenish your HP.


The second way to restore health points is the possibility to use mushrooms that grow on the map. Their consumption provides you with EP points. EP points are automatically consumed to restore health points lost by your character. 1 EP point restores one health point, approximately every second. EPs are used until the character is fully recovered. You cannot use them in any other way.
You can find 4 types of mushrooms on the map - they differ in the number of EP points they can provide - 50, 75, 100 and 200 respectively.


Finally, a set of tips to help you keep your character alive a bit longer, namely:
  1. ALWAYS collect Medkits. Even if you already have 5 of them in your inventory, it is worth to collect them even up to 15, if only the capacity of your backpack allows you to do so. You may never know how many of them will come in handy - and it's better to have them instead of running with 10 HP.
  2. Collect all mushrooms that appear on your path. With EP points, you will be able to passively regenerate small amounts of your health points. It's very helpful after receiving injuries caused by fall damage or a single shot.
  3. Wait a few seconds after the use of each Medkit. In other words, make short brakes when you have to use several Medkits in a row. Treatment received from Medkits is not stacked and duplicated over time - it means that the effect of the previous Medkit will be cancelled out by the next one if you activate it too quickly. For this reason, it is worth activating one first aid kit, then wait 2 seconds and start activating another one - this way you will gain 10 seconds of continuous health regeneration.




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