Supply drops in Garena Free Fire?

During the matches in Garena Free Fire, crates with supplies will be dropped on the map from time to time. Inside them you will find very valuable loot, which is hard to find or even impossible to obtain during a standard building exploration. In this chapter you will find all the information related to the mechanics of supply drops.

After a few minutes from the start of the game, supply drops will occur from time to time. Every few dozen seconds a plane will appear on the horizon - it will fly over a large part of the map, dropping supplies at a random place on the route of its flight. When the crate reaches the ground, its location will be marked with a yellow beam that lights up vertically. As soon as you approach the package, you will be able to start collecting items. Inside you will find a high-level armor (level 4), a level 3 Helmet, a camouflage item, a large amount of ammunition and valuable weapons. Also, you can find some additional utility items such as Medkits or grenades.

Each supply drop crate is a very valuable loot - the player who reaches it will gain an advantage over his opponents, especially in the case of the initial minutes of the game. If you are planning to get to the drop site to retrieve valuable equipment, it is worth remembering a few things, such as:
  1. The supply drop is perfectly visible to players on a large part of the island. If you've managed to spot it, your enemies have certainly done the same. So they'll also try to get there or shoot at players who want to get close to items.
  2. Determine the distance to the supply drop crate - think it over whether it is worth going to obtain the loot. If you are able to reach the drop site within a dozen or so seconds, it is worth taking the risk. However, if the package is in a distant spot from your position, it's best to let it go - other enemies will probably get there before you.
  3. When you reach the drop, position yourself properly - cover your character from the side from which you are likely to be attacked by others, such as dense urban areas. This will increase the chances of survival.


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